jueves, 6 de enero de 2011

Ministerio de Justicia Británico publica paper "verde": 'Breaking the cycle: effective punishment, rehabilitation and sentencing of offenders'

El Ministerio de Justicia Británico acaba de publicar en diciembre un importante docuemnto que da cuenta d eun procesod e trabajo serio y riguroso en pro d mejorar el sistema de jsuticia juvenil inglés: el paper "verde": 'Breaking the cycle: effective punishment, rehabilitation and sentencing of offenders'

Frances Done, secretaria (directora en nuestra terminología) del Youth Justice Board ha dicho:

“The Green Paper is the the biggest change in youth justice for a decade and it offers new opportunities to build on the considerable achievements of the Youth Justice Board and youth offending teams.

“We endorse the approach to exploring new ways of reducing reoffending and the numbers of young people in custody through better opportunities for rehabilitation.

“We welcome the opportunity for all those involved with an interest in the youth justice system to take part in the consultation process and urge them to give their views.”

Breaking the Cycle Effective Punishment, Rehabilitation and Sentencing of Offenders

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