Jodi Lane, Center for Studies in Criminology and Law, University of Florida
Susan Turner, Criminal Justice Center, RAND Public Safety and Justice Program
Terry Fain, RAND Public Safety and Justice Program
Amber Sehgal, RAND Public Safety and Justice Program
In 1996, California provided funding to 14 county probation agencies to implement
multiagency, comprehensive services to keep troubled youths from recommitting crime
and progressing farther into the justice system.We report results of a randomized experiment used to evaluate Ventura County’s 4-year demonstration project called the South Oxnard Challenge Project (SOCP).We followed youths for more than 2 years after random assignment to SOCP or routine probation. We found no significant differences between SOCP and routine juvenile probationers on recidivism or other official-record outcomes.
Although most youths were rearrested, most did not receive a sustained petition or incarceration. The modest additional services did not affect outcomes.
Revista: CRIME & DELINQUENCY, Volume 51 Number 1 January 2005 26-52
Fragmento seleccionado (que creo es compartido por operadores chilenos)::
"A final policy implication is that probation employees and other social service agency staff may differ on how they would like their performance evaluated. Traditionally measured outcomes such as recidivism measures are important to policy makers and agency leaders who make decisions about program components.
Yet line staff often see their job as much broader than simply preventing more crime. For example, they may prefer also to be judged on their ability to improve other client characteristics, such as demeanor, school attendance and grades, employment, self-confidence, life skills, and relationships with others (Petersilia, 1993)."
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